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Hey there! (Did we put the word Developers here enough for it to look fake yet?)

Our documentation website is very new, so there's not much here yet.

If you're looking for documentation on our API, you'll want to check here for now:

If you want to start working on an OAuth application, ping SirStendec on Discord for now and ask about getting a client set up. There's a website update coming soon that'll let you create your own OAuth clients but it's not quite ready due to other changes.

If you want more details on our link preview system, head over here.

If you want more details on our Pub/Sub system for live updates, we do too. But it's not ready yet. If you want updates, please join our Discord. There'll be an announcement when we have something.

If you want more details on our client architecture, we've started rewriting the client in TypeScript and documenting that. Check out the Client Modules pages for that.

Your best bet to get started with add-on development is to check out the commented source code for the example add-on, and ask lots of questions in our development channels. (Make sure to ask for the Developer role after joining our Discord!)